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Book 38 Page 15

Going Jihad


The whole worlds ‘going Jihad,’

their fighting their holly wars.

Got god on their side

in the game of ‘evening the score.’


The whole worlds going Jihad,

the east and the west cause,

everyone thinks;


“God’s right,

we’re right,

it must be right,

to use might.

Got a good and holly plight,

putting one’s brothers and sisters under gun sights,”

when really;!


it’s all just a

selfish / base level human gripe.

Use the media to create the hype.

The hype that it’s a “holly holly war of the jihad type.”


The whole worlds going jihad.

The ‘whole’ world.

The east


the west.


© Written by Dominic John Gill www.poetry.net.au  dominicj7@poetry.net.au 21 February 2003