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Man as god


Within the realm of time

man makes ‘God’ sublime.

Within the clay made of time, /

within the human mind.


Man is a product of himself,

a co-creator / a re-maker of what ever he decides.

Indeed! all of creation is held within man’s

most visionary eyes.


But such power / such responsibility

is often beyond his own understanding and grasps.

For man looks at his brothers and sisters and does not see himself,

but looks through them like one may looks through glass.


And so he also looks at his creation

with similar misunderstanding and mistrust.

He will not own up to what he is;

in his lonely despair and greed and lust.


And so he looks to others and to his god

in his ever long despairing hour.

As man avoids the obvious of his own self’s,

‘god to god’ given power.


And so round and round in a circle he wonders,

looking to any thing ‘other than himself.’

And he begs and preys to another god to take him out of his own created misery, /

out of his own created self.


And so he builds monuments,

builds religions and institutions to cloth his own sense of ‘wonder.’

As he wonders through a whole life time from life to death in a;

self pitying ponder.


 Wondering; “why has thou forsaken me lord.”

“Why has thou left me to experience the pains of living?”

But seldom, -so very seldom - does he reasons that it is he alone

that is doing all the taking and all the giving.


And yet some religions have proclaimed that

“god is within all.”

But yet paradoxically the creation of the universe they also say is;

“someone and something else’s ‘only call.’


But in time and space it is ‘man,’ (each person)

who creates man and creates therefore ‘God.’

And until this truth is known

what is seen to be ‘nature and man’ will always be at odds.


Until the message eventually

rings out loud and true.

That in this great universe

it is indeed a self fulfilling creation, it is ‘only you.’


Only you;

in union with your brother.

Only you;

in union with your sister.


‘Only you’ who seems lost and who seems helplessly blowing in the wind.

‘Only you’ who creates ‘the good.’

‘Only you’ who creates ‘the sin.’


‘Only you’ in harmony,

-in ‘complete’ harmony if you wish - with all that you survey.

‘Only you’ in the night and;

‘only you’ in each and every day.


And so the greater truth is not that this is a ‘selfish’ understanding of ‘self.’

Nor a non acceptance of ‘another’ or even a nonsensical void.

But it is simply a matter of a spiritual reality,

of the ‘self’ in harmony with others in utter love and in utter Joy.                   


A ‘self’ that is perpetually progressing

to greater and greater heights of understanding.

A self that is not at all at odds with anyone or anything,

in some form of opinionated ‘me’ demanding.


And yet often this ‘self’ is interpreted as a form of egocentricity and sacrilege.

But this is not true when you consider the spiritual subtleties.

For many do not / and will not understand how ‘we ‘

can possibly be, ‘only thee.’


For they project a point of ego reference into what they only presently understand.



in a thousand forms of reasoning,

“No! God cannot be man.”


And one day I think religions will have ‘out spent’ there blessed purpose,

and it will be then that the true self will begins to shine.

When what is called “God” / unites with man,

as a complete unity of heart and soul and mind.


© Written by Dominic John Gill www.poetry.net.au  dominicj7@poetry.net.au Created on 5/29/00