Book 39

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The adaptive prophet


In his opening speech to ‘the world scientific community forum’ the prophet said;


“Love one another.”


On receiving blanks looks from the audience of prominent scientist the prophet thought. “Well surely this is a worth while thing to say to folks who reportedly are so interested in wondering about humanity and the world. “After all,” the prophet thought to himself, “love is the most central element of the universe, why do these people stare ‘blanked faced’ at me so?”


Then he remembered a story his old master had taught him. It had in it an analogy of how mice would prefer to struggle to open a container of food rather than merely eat it freely off the ground. “Perhaps men were the same” thought the prophet? Perhaps people also had a need to strive to get things, even if these things were wisdom and information. “Or perhaps” he thought to himself; “this particular story was coming up in his head now because he associated scientist with mice, for scientist were always operating on them!?”


The prophet decided to repeat his assertion “love one another,” he said, but this time he decided to put it into terms that the scientist would enjoy. So he decided to present the same thing in a form so they; (like the mice in the story) would enjoy getting their teeth into, so to speak. And so he proclaimed to the eminent scientist;


“Where “love” equals ‘L’

And ‘A’ “another” and ‘A2’ equals “all.”

And “one” equals ‘the sum of, (as well as ‘a part of,’ expressed as; ‘x’”)


“Then L= A over x, divided by; …” and he continued to write down a very elaborate and lengthy equation on the black board behind him.


On completion of his formula he turned to the audience to receive his well deserved standing ovation.


© Written by Dominic John Gill 12/28/2004