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Book 21 Page 24


The ever changing face of god


O god why are you forever changing / forever rearranging?


In the time of the cave man

you were the thunder bolt of ‘Ra.’

In the time of the Egyptians you were “the sun.”

Now you are the Christian god

as in Christ you become.


You have been judgmental /

you have been harsh.

you have been loving and compassionate.

You have been a father and a mother

and a simply a child,

why don’t you stay one thing

all the while?


You have been all manner of things

as we mold you into our needs.

It is as though we are planting you

as an ever changing ‘mystery seed.’


You seem so frustratingly flexible,

a something that we are,

a something that we wish to be.

From a living human to being

a-likened as the pearls in the sea.


You seemed to have the ability to be,

what we say you should be.

You seemed to be me,

and ‘thee’ over there and even; ‘we.’


For your image seems to come and go

in accordance with cultural demands.

We seem to have so many gods

as we worship in our many sermons.


Forever updating a new version of you.

Forever changing our need for help.

Forever changing what and who you are.

And in this process forever changing our ‘very self.’


© Written by Dominic John Gill www.poetry.net.au  dominicj7@poetry.net.au Created on 5/22/00