Book 44

Page 46

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The politically correct poem


The poem seemed to speak noble words,

but it rolled on like dribble.

It went everywhere

and went nowhere.


And I didn’t care for it myself.

It had no substance,

it had no inspiration.

It was just the ramblings of a desperate poet in exasperation.


It spoke of the human spirit

in an uninspiring way.

It had no color,

it had only gray.


And I wondered why he had written it,

I wondered at times what it all meant.

As it appeared to shut my mind off

and twist my ears bent.


Although it had all the right words,

words that would normally stir.

Words like “love” and “courage”, “romance” and “fight.”

To me it had no light… it was trite.


I wondered “how could he thought life could be so neatly tied

up in these kind of words”?

Quite frankly … I found the poem ‘absurd,’

every single word.


© Written by Dominic John Gill Created  Dec 1, 2006