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Book 5 Page 30

Without love


We may move mountains and builds castles of stone,

But without love, our hearts remains like a rock.


We may know the minds of others like an open book,

But without love, there can be no real contact.


We may touch and smell the roses of the garden,

But without love, they cannot reveal their living secret.


And we may even witness all the angel of heaven on earth,

But without love, we look into a 'dryness of the soul.'


For without love, neither the greatness of all the saints,

nor the simplicity of a rose,

can reveal their living secrets and touch our soul.


Without love, we can do;

but we cannot know why.

We can walk;

but we cannot know where to.


For love teaches us to know ‘purpose.’

It is its own ‘meaning.’

Love carries its own reward.

It is its own ‘happiness.’


© Written by Dominic John Gill   19/7/99